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Iver Heath Junior School

Iver Heath Junior School

‘We are Achievers; We are a Community; We are Proud and We are Inclusive’

Pupil Premium at IHJS

Each year the school is allocated money called the Pupil Premium Funding, which must be spent on specifically identified children to support them. These pupils are those who are eligibility for free school meals (even if they do not take the meal), children who are in care or adopted from care and children whose parents are in the armed forces. 


For the school to receive the pupil premium funding for a child, it may be necessary to complete an eligibility check with Bucks Council. These are completed discreetly and this information if always treated with confidentiality.


If you believe you may qualify, please do contact the school as it will benefit your child. 


There is no set way to spend the money in supporting a child as each individual situation requires individual approaches. However, part of the funding enables the school to support financially towards school trips, uniform and other school opportunities if the family would benefit from it. 


Every child is tracked and funding is matched to academic progress and support. If you would like to discuss how the funding is matched to your particular child, then the Headteacher and Inclusion Manager would be happy to explain this to you fully and in complete confidence.


For more information about our Pupil Premium spending, please download our latest report below.