Headteacher's Welcome
Welcome to Iver Heath Junior School.
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school where the children are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to develop happy, resilient and high achieving children who are ambitious and prepared to succeed in their future.
We live by 4 key values:
We are PROUD!
Iver Heath Junior has a knowledge rich curriculum that allows each child to be challenged and inspired to make progress in their learning. Indeed, our 2024 SATs results were all above National results and we could not be more proud of our children and their achievements. Highly trained, passionate and dedicated staff support each child throughout their development and put them at the heart of every decision. We are fortunate to have specialised PE and music teachers who support our pupils to excel in these areas too.
Our school is set in spacious grounds which allows us to offer excellent learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom. We have large classrooms with lots of natural light, an expansive field, spacious playgrounds including an adventure trail, tyre track and outdoor gym equipment, a flood-lit astro-turf sports pitch, wild-flower area and dedicate wildlife/forest schools area.
Our school is served by a committed governing body whose members execute their duties in a highly professional and supportive manner. The governors' dedication to Iver Heath Junior School ensures strategic management and accountability at all levels.
We also have a pro-active PTA who work tirelessly to support our school community and have provided us with wonderful resources such as: a tyre track, outdoor learning gazebo, outdoor gym equipment and adventure trail.
The children, staff and governors are very proud to be part of this wonderful community and would welcome your child and family to be part of our school.
"Pupils are proud to attend this happy, inclusive school. They enjoy warm, respectful relationships with staff and each other, and have confidence that the staff will listen to them if they have any concerns or worries."
(Ofsted May 2023)
If you would like to come and visit our school, we'd love to welcome you, please contact the office to arrange this on:
01753 651382 or via email at office@iverheath-jun.bucks.sch.uk
Mrs Elaine Anglin