Our Vision at Iver Heath Junior School is that everyone is safe, happy and reaches their potential. To do this we have 4 key vision statements that we live by:
We are Achievers; We are a Community; We are Proud; We are Inclusive.
Please click on the star at the bottom of the page to see examples our values in action!
By striving for these each day we build towards our own success and the success of those around us.
At Iver Heath Junior School:
Every member of the IHJS family strives to ensure that:
Every child at IHJS will reach their full potential.
Every child at IHJS will be inspired to be successful and to feel valued, with their successes in any area shared and respected by all.
Every child will want to come to school.
Every child will have aspirations and desires to be successful.
Every child will develop life-long learning skills.
Every member of the IHJS family strives to ensure that:
IHJS takes pride in being at the heart of the community, with regular parental involvement and events.
Parents and children demonstrate that they value the school.
Parents can approach the school for support; or with constructive ideas and feel listened to.
Education is seen as a partnership between school and families, with both groups taking responsibility.
IHJS works together with other educational establishments, working together to share best practice and improve.
Every member of the IHJS family strives to ensure that:
We have high expectations of all staff, pupils and families.
Support is available to everyone in the school community, allowing them the opportunity to grow and be successful.
All members of the school community develop their self-esteem and that all pupils have the opportunity to experience being successful.
We work together to identify areas of strength and opportunities for development.
Pupils, staff and families show respect of themselves, others and the process of learning for all.
All stakeholders contribute to the development of the school.
We are PROUD!
Every member of the IHJS family strives to ensure that:
IHJS is a safe place for all.
Pupils are happy at school and are able to talk openly and take risks in their learning.
Staff feel that their ideas are valued and that they will be listened to.
Parents are proud of the role that school plays in their lives.
Children feel valued and are proud to be a part of the IHJS family.
We are proud of achievements within the school community and celebrate them regularly.