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Iver Heath Junior School

Iver Heath Junior School

‘We are Achievers; We are a Community; We are Proud and We are Inclusive’


Keeping children safe is the most important thing we do at Iver Heath Junior School.


We work hard to provide a safe environment for every child. We foster trusting relationships between staff, children, parents and wider family members to develop this. Children are encouraged to speak openly with any member of staff and understand that any member of the team is there to listen to them and take them seriously. 


Every member of our staff receives regular safeguarding training and we ensure that all visitors to our school are aware of our expectations and policies.


Our safeguarding team is made up of Mr Gary Jones (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs Elaine Anglin (Deputy designated safeguarding Lead). Any concerns over child protection should be shared with these members of staff.


We also have a Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Monique Nowers, who can be contacted via the school office: 


Below is a copy of our latest Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and other related policies, documents and links can be found below.